WEB DL not finding release I manually downloaded at release time/days later

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: WIN 10
Description of issue: I checked quality profiles and things look ok. It’s not listing the WEB 1080p release I would ideally want. Almost as if it’s accidentally filtered out.

<— Manually downloaded specs
<— quality settings
<— All I know what to check with the quality profiles.
<— What I’m trying to download

And an interactive search as of now looks like this inside of sonarr. Almost as if it blocks anything over a gig.

image <— the version I downloaded is linked to a WEBDL v1 profile(?)

Am I missing anything? Any help is extremely appreciated.

Thanks for all the help

Solution: Readded the source(indexer) to Jackett. Results still were missing. Went into Edit Indexer settings in Sonarr and noticed WEB-DL was unchecked.

After rechecking it, search results were good again.

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