Hey everyone,

I thought I’d just put this here. Just rolled out NZBDrone support on my site about 5 minutes ago. Watchily searches for media availability across several sources like Amazon, Netflix and iTunes, as well as the pricing. I’ve integrated personal library databases into the search results, so you should see them alongside all the other results. For now, its very boolean. If a title matches, you either have it or you don’t. If you have it there’s a link to the series page, and if you don’t you’ll be given the option to add it to your database. You’ll need to store a public IP, port and API key in a Watchily account.

There’s a lot to refine, this is very beta, but your feedback is invaluable, so please let me know what we can do to improve things!

I just tried it out. Kind of Interesting. How much I’d actually use it??? I’d have to try it out a little more when it’s not after 1AM.


Be sure to check back this time next month. I’m in the middle of a full on redesign with new features that I’m betting will make it much more useful day-to-day.

Can’t wait to see how it turns out.

did anyone ever get this to work? Is there a replacement?

I just tried to create an account with no success, having issues?