Want to disable Minimum Free Space checking

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10
Debug logs:
Description of issue: The issue I have is my router with an attached USB drive seems to report incorrect size and free space.
I am using UNC paths like “\\Linksys_gmr\sdb1\Media\TV-Shows”
This is a 10TB drive with 4+TB free space.
But Sonarr reports it as 93MB with 88MB free.
I don’t believe this to be a Sonarr issue as I have seen it in other apps.

I would like to be able to DISABLE Sonarr’s Minimum Free Space checking while I find a complete solution. Sonarr seems to require this setting to be 100MBs or higher.

Thank you.

under settings > media management, advanced option so that needs to be on to see it

or lower the value

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