Use both usenet and torrents using Docker

Hi everyone,
Sonarr is amazing and I’m trying to set up it on my NAS by using Docker. What I want to do is to user both usenet and torrents as download clients. The problem is with the paths.

Sonarr with the image is expecting to find downloads in the /downloads directory and usually it’s not a problem if the download clients container uses exactly the same path. What should I do with multiple clients? I know that there is the Remote Mapping option but the problem is that both clients have the same hostname. Is it possible to use ports as well?

The paths in’s containers are just suggestions. You could have them in /something/completely/different and as long as both paths are mapped it’d be fine.

Personally I’d do something like: /downloads/usenet and /downloads/torrents for usenet and torrents respectively and have the clients download to those paths instead of just /downloads.

Remote path mapping does not consider the port.

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