Upgrading Quality

I would like to upgrade the quality of my shows from 720 to 1080. Can Sonarr do this? When met with a match that applies, it says “Existing file meets cutoff: SDTV”. My profile is set to maximum, and for quality I have it set to HD - All.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Yes it can, but you need to change the cutoff in the profile to the highest quality you want.

Is it also possible to downgrade quality?
There are some shows that I like to watch in HD, but I am fine to archive an SD version to save storage space.


Yes, just change the order of the qualities in the profile (advanced settings need to be shown): https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/Monitoring-Series-and-Episodes

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I didn’t find anything about this on the link you provided, but just figured it out myself.

Would it also be possible to assign a different profile (SD in that case?).

You can make your own custom profile with whatever you want in it, but you can’t use multiple on the same series.

Sorry to bother you again,

I just migrated from Sickbeard and I pretty much love everything about Sonarr over Sickbeard, but I am not able to downgrade my previously downloaded HD series to SD

  • I have added a new series yesterday with my default setting 1080p
  • I actually wanted the series to be SD only, so today, I changed the series’ profile to SD
  • neither a “search for all” nor an automatic search per episode made Sonarr actually download the SD. The manual search blacklists all SD options and says:

Existing file meets cutoff: SDTV / Quality for existing file on disk is of equal or higher preference: WEBDL-720p v1

Thanks for helping :smile:

The key to this is in the help tooltip next to the Qualities in the profile settings :smile:
In a profile, the order (top to bottom) of all qualities matters. If you have a file that is equal or better than the cutoff quality, sonarr will not download anything else anymore. E.g. I think in the default SD profile that the cutoff is DVD, but WEBDL-720p is ranked above that.

I would suggest you create a new profile, called “SD-archive” or “downgrade” something, to make it clear that this will remove HD files in favour of SD:

  • Set the toggle for Advanced Settings to Shown (next to the Save button in the config pages)
  • Click the + sign in Profiles, set the name, enable the qualities you want for archiving (e.g. DVD, SDTV, whichever you want)
  • Use the three horizontal lines next to the qualities to change the order. Drag & drop DVD and SDTV to the top.
  • Set DVD as the cutoff quality
  • Save

Then edit the series you want to archive in a lower quality to use this profile (and search again).


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Perfect, got it.
Thank you!

This topic helped me out as well. I was confused and missed the fact that the quality levels could be organized by drag n drop, and put DVD at the top just like this so that I can store DVD quality files at ~200MB instead of 2-3GB each. This is super fantastic, thank you ovq for asking this!

I want to confirm that this only works if the season is being monitored, correct. If the flag is turned off then Sonarr will not go back to update to DVD version?

Both the series and the episode need to be monitored for it to download, I phrased it this way because its possible to monitor the season and unmonitor all the episodes in it, which is useful if new episodes in the season are added so Sonarr would watch for them.

If the episode is unmonitored it will not upgrade existing files or grab any files for that episode.

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