Upate to latest version failing with Access Denied error

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version: 4.8.1
OS: FreeBSD (FreeNAS Jail)
((Debug logs)): https://pastebin.com/kwbP5mW7
Description of issue: The update process is failing with an access denied error as shown in the pasted log excerpt.

How to I resolve that error? How do I grant the necessary permission?

It looks like a permissions problem, make sure the user running Sonarr has read & write access to that file and others in that folder.

Thanks @markus101…I’m a bit of a noob with this though…I need help on the “how”.
How do I see what user is running Sonarr?

Sorry, not sure how to check that, not sure if the jail runs as a specific user or the apps inside do, but I know with docker choosing the user apps run as is possible with some images.

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