Sonarr version (
OS - UNraid 6.12.14:
Debug logs:
Description of issue:
I have had to rebuild my unraid server from scratch, alas.
For the life of me, I cannot get Sonar and qbittorrent-filebot to work together.
Sonarr status gives me the following message:
You are using docker; download client qBittorrent places downloads in /downloads but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.
Attached is a screenshot of my dockers, and their paths.
The ‘mnt/remotes/ shows/’ is the path of my actual media as used by Plex.
My port mappings all seem to be fine, as I can access the WebGui for Qbittorrent, and for Sonarr.
I am happy to provide log files or config files if needed, but hopefully this is a fairly easy thing to resolve.
Many thanks in advance!