Unraid docker Sonarr, Qbittorrent-Filebot Paths

Sonarr version (
OS - UNraid 6.12.14:
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

I have had to rebuild my unraid server from scratch, alas.

For the life of me, I cannot get Sonar and qbittorrent-filebot to work together.

Sonarr status gives me the following message:

You are using docker; download client qBittorrent places downloads in /downloads but this directory does not appear to exist inside the container. Review your remote path mappings and container volume settings.

Attached is a screenshot of my dockers, and their paths.

The ‘mnt/remotes/ shows/’ is the path of my actual media as used by Plex.

My port mappings all seem to be fine, as I can access the WebGui for Qbittorrent, and for Sonarr.

I am happy to provide log files or config files if needed, but hopefully this is a fairly easy thing to resolve.

Many thanks in advance!

You should follow Trash’s unRAID guide for optimal setup.

That helps to some degree. however Sonarr is asking for path 2, Path 3, not
Container Path and Host Path.

Also, Trash doesn’t mention using remote location for the actual media, although I believe setting my container media path to the external location should (and does) work OK.

I did have it setup ,and managed to lose it all ( suspect overloaded power supply on server), requiring a total array rebuild from scratch with 1 less disk.

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