Unknown series - Gardener's World S55

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Unraid
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Unknown Series

Sonarr is not able to pick up Gardener’s World season 55, any of the episodes. All episodes are reported unknown series in the latest season so far. Manual search yields result. Please help with this. Thank you.
I did not find any other info in the log file but if you need something please let me know.
I don’t have issue with any other series.

That result is not named for the show your are searching

Series != Series 2022 per TVDB rules and thus sonarr logic


Is there anything i can do to fix the mapping? I do understand that there are problematic series not following tvdb, but tvdb says they don’t care about torrent release names, sonarr says it should be as per tvdb and you are stuck between a rock and a hard spot.

see the FAQ link

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