Unknown profile

Mono Version**:
ubuntu 16.04:
((Debug logs)):
17-12-16 08:17:13.3|Debug|QualityAllowedByProfileSpecification|Checking if report meets quality requirements. Unknown v1
17-12-16 08:17:13.3|Debug|QualityAllowedByProfileSpecification|Quality Unknown v1 rejected by Series’ quality profile
17-12-16 08:17:13.3|Debug|MinimumAgeSpecification|Not checking minimum age requirement for non-usenet report
17-12-16 08:17:13.3|Debug|RetentionSpecification|Not checking retention requirement for non-usenet report
17-12-16 08:17:13.3|Debug|SeriesSpecification|Checking if series matches searched series
17-12-16 08:17:13.3|Debug|DelaySpecification|Ignoring delay for user invoked search
17-12-16 08:17:13.3|Debug|HistorySpecification|Skipping history check during search
17-12-16 08:17:13.3|Debug|DownloadDecisionMaker|Release rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] Unknown is not wanted in profile
17-12-16 08:17:13.3|Debug|DownloadDecisionMaker|Release rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] Unknown is not wanted in profile_
Description of issue:

I tried to download a full season like Band of brothers from torrent tracker with jackett and the season pack rejected because of quality is possible somehow to allow and download it?

basically the parser couldnt work out what the quality was from the filename so it was tagged as “Unknown” and the quality profile assigned to that show does not include “Unknown” in it so it rejected that file

you could always add the Unknown quality to your profile, right down at the bottom, maybe even just temporarily, then search again

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