Unable to write to drone factory folder

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.2.2 (Stable Thu Mar 17 11:46:47 CET 2016)
OS: DSM 6.0
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): Error occurred while executing task DownloadedEpisodesScan: Access to the path “/volume1/downloads/tv” is denied.
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path “/volume1/downloads/tv” is denied.
at System.IO.Directory.GetFileSystemEntries (System.String path, System.String searchPattern, FileAttributes mask, FileAttributes attrs) [0x00063] in /home/bean/spksrc/native/mono/work-native/mono-4.2.2/mcs/class/corlib/System.IO/Directory.cs:498
at System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories (System.String path, System.String searchPattern) [0x00000] in /home/bean/spksrc/native/mono/work-native/mono-4.2.2/mcs/class/corlib/System.IO/Directory.cs:261
at System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories (System.String path) [0x00000] in /home/bean/spksrc/native/mono/work-native/mono-4.2.2/mcs/class/corlib/System.IO/Directory.cs:256
at NzbDrone.Common.Disk.DiskProviderBase.GetDirectories (System.String path) [0x00048] in M:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Common\Disk\DiskProviderBase.cs:135
at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.DownloadedEpisodesImportService.ProcessRootFolder (System.IO.DirectoryInfo directoryInfo) [0x00006] in M:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\MediaFiles\DownloadedEpisodesImportService.cs:57
at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.DownloadedEpisodesCommandService.ProcessDroneFactoryFolder () [0x0004f] in M:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\MediaFiles\DownloadedEpisodesCommandService.cs:54
at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.DownloadedEpisodesCommandService.Execute (NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.Commands.DownloadedEpisodesScanCommand message) [0x00017] in M:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\MediaFiles\DownloadedEpisodesCommandService.cs:96
at NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandExecutor.ExecuteCommand[TCommand] (NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.TCommand command, NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandModel commandModel) [0x00081] in M:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Core\Messaging\Commands\CommandExecutor.cs:77
Description of issue: Hi guys,
I have tried everything to get Sonarr post process my files.

On my Sinology I have setup Volume1/downloads/tv as the folder where all jtvshows should be downloaded.
After that I have setup the Drone Factory folder for that folder. So Sonarr will check this folder for new TVSHOWS and will remane/move them to the new location of the TVShows that are located on /volume1/tvshows

My user GUEST has ALL permissions and still I can’t make it work and get the “Unable to write to drone factory folder” problem.

I am not the real Terminal guys so I have no idea how to set this up.

Also tried to add APPS user and give all permissions but also not working.

Really hope anybody can help me out here?

There should be no reason to setup the Drone Factory folder, either Completed Download Handling will find the paths automatically (when using a real download client) or with a blackhole client you specify the path where completed downloads go. First thing would be to remove that path, it won’t fix your problem as its permissions related, but it won’t cause other problems.

Sonarr runs under its own user on synology, its doesn’t act as guest. There are lots of posts on how to setup permissions for Sonarr on synology (https://forums.sonarr.tv/search?q=synology%20permissions), but this one says you don’t need to use the terminal:
Import Failed Error - how to resolved?

I have my drone factory directory as /data/Media/NZBGet/DownloadedTV/
This is on my Netgear ReadyNas 516. Sonarr is running directly on that.

Now this is the tricky part. Under Windows in it’s file directory with all the other drives it shows Media (\READYNAS15) (R:) I did map the drive to R:. So you think it was just in the Media drawer. But that’s not the true directory structure. Even though I click on Media, all file files and directory’s I can clearly see. If I run a program called RAIDar, which is a Netgear program that will find the NAS on the Network. Now when I click on browse, now it’s showing me a number of directory’s including Media, but data also pops up, and when I click on data It brings up a number of directory’s including one called Media, and this is really where the files are at. without the /data/ it won’t work or find my files.

In fact if I log into my NAS directly SSH and I’m using a program called SmarTTY on my Windows computer as I like this terminal program, logging in as Admin, If I dir I get nothing . If I cd /data I get into that directory, and when I dir (Directory) Now I get home Media, RNXconfig rsyslog tmp. cd into Media and then dir I get a listing of all my files.

So I think you are just not entering the correct directory, at least not the full path and that’s why it’s failing. So is volume1 really the start of your directory tree? Or am I missing something?

On a Synology /volume1 is either always there or almost always there from what I’ve seen. Being unable to write is different from Sonarr being unable to read or verify if its there, in this case Sonarr is able to see the path, but it doesn’t have permissions to write to it.

Ok, that makes sense. So it’s figuring out how to get Sonarr to gain write access. So something to do with chmod.

How much this apply’s to a Synology NAS? Gaining Terminal access to the NAS by turning on SSH. I’m no Linux expert and so I stumble along and figure it out as I go along. Google is your friend. It’s how I’ve fixed Windows issues over the years. It’s how I got Sonarr running on my ReadyNAS 516. May take a little bit of time to get it figured out. Leaning the in’s and out’s of the NAS you have and Linux it’s self. Something most people don’t normally deal with on a Windows PC. Security is much higher on Linux.

You don’t need to set permissions via terminal, doing so will actually cause more pain than it solves. Lots of references on how to solve it here already, Drone Factory shouldn’t be used anyways.

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