Unable to update sonarr to - Oct 20 2015


I can’t update sonarr to “ - Oct 20 2015”

I’m on a Raspberry PI2: (Wheezy)
Mono Version 3.10.0 (mono-3.10.0-branch/ce003f4 Tue Nov 25 20:18:29 UTC 2014)
AppData directory: /home/pi/.config/NzbDrone
Startup directory: /opt/NzbDrone

Error message:

Error occurred while executing task ApplicationUpdate: ApplicationName='mono', CommandLine='--debug /tmp/nzbdrone_update/NzbDrone.Update.exe 1703 /tmp/nzbdrone_update /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe ', CurrentDirectory='', Native error= Cannot find the specified file


If you run mono from a terminal/SSH session what do you see?

Mono JIT compiler version 3.10.0 (mono-3.10.0-branch/ce003f4 Tue Nov 25 20:18:29 UTC 2014)
Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors. www.mono-project.com
TLS: __thread
SIGSEGV: normal
Notifications: epoll
Architecture: armel,vfp+hard
Disabled: none
Misc: softdebug
LLVM: supported, not enabled.
GC: sgen

Are you using an init/systemd/upstart script to start Sonarr?

If so, please post the contents.



# user
# path to mono bin

If you run mono --version (not the full path to mono) as the pi user do you get the version back?

I suspect the issue is the full path is being used when starting Sonarr as the pi user and it works, but the pi user isn’t able to run mono directly because it can’t find it on the path, so it will need to be added so the pi user can see where mono is.

When I run mono --version I get result I posted above.

I have been updating my sonarr without problems until now. Why now?

How do I add so the user pi can find the full path?

As the pi user?

Looks like this lists the many ways to fix the path:

Yes. As the pi user.

When manne types which mono it should return /usr/local/bin/mono which means it is part of the PATH.

What does which mono say?

which mono

pi@raspberrypi:~$ which mono

I fixed it! :smile:


Make a backup in Sonarr and store the backup in a safe location. ^^

1. Stop the sonarr service:
sudo service nzbdrone stop

2. Remove everything in this folder: (It’s the location of the AppData directory for Sonarr)

3. Restore the files from the backup (Two files, nzbdrone.db and config.xml)

4. Restart the service
sudo service nzbdrone start

5. Update sonarr

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