Unable to Import Files When There are Existing Files

I love Sonarr forums and their lack to replay. I too have the same issue on and Using Ubuntu. So glad I updated from 3 that worked to 4 that has issues. Also you could replay it’s a bug we’re working on it. Instead of silence. Sorry to original poster for getting their hopes up with a me too replay.

OK what finally worked for me. I restored a backup from 3. I know you might not have been on 3. Then I deleted the show and re-added it.

Short step is look in Manage Episodes in the series. If it has anything delete it. After that mine moved to the correct folder.

That wasn’t really my topic. Still having the same issues with 4. With 4 it moves things when ever it wants. Doesn’t matter if “existing files” are there or not. It moves things sometimes. Folder permission is set to 777. So it has full access. Join the Sonarr forums. Where you can talk to yourself.

What are you talking about? Your topics have all been answered…

Your comments really had nothing to do with the topic they were moved from and you “solved” your issue, so there was nothing further to discuss.

If you’re having issues then provide the information required when you open a new thread, including debug/trace logs.

Topic wasn’t really answered. It still does it randomly for no reason. The other person said it can’t access the folder. Yet it can. Because it move some show, and some not.