Sonarr version (exact version): Latest (Docker) Synology
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): no idea if I need this?
OS: DSM 7.1 Update 4
Debug logs: na
Description of issue: Spent all day yesterday trying to work out why episodes wouldn’t move to library from Qbittorrent and then just before I was going to bed I had a Eureka moment and I decided to put the Remote path of the download client as it is accessed from within in Docker, and it worked!
The way the description was setup had me believing I needed to add a path that was accessible from my PC over the LAN, nothing I added worked as you can see in the image above, only the last two entries worked, which are Docker paths!
I hope this helps someone. Now I need to work out how to automatically replace lower quality episodes and missing episodes of older TV series.