I have a share on my NAS that has all my shows, another share for sonar to monitor downloaded shows.
All this was working fine (show downloads into folder, sonarr finds, renames and moves to organized folders)
Now sonarr is not moving any shows and i’m getting this error in the logs
Unable to retrieve queue and history items from BlackHole: Not a valid Win32 FileTime.
Parameter name: fileTime
any tips?
Please and thank you
Please pastebin debug logs so we can see exactly where the issue lies.
You need to enable debug logging first (see the link I posted above).
Thanks, unfortunately there isn’t enough detail in the debug logs either to see if its a particular file thats causing issues or all files.
I’d suggest moving all files to another location and adding them back one by one to see if its one item causing the issues, but it could be how your NAS is doing the SAMBA sharing (if all the files cause issues).