Unable to Connect to Indexer: Unexpected Character encountered while Parsing value:<.Path", line 0, position 0

Sonarr version
Mono version N/A:
Windows 7 Pro X64:

Description of issue:

Everything was working fine until sometime yesterday. It quit connecting to BTN. I can go to BTN and download just fine, API key is fine, etc. Nothing changed on my system end to my knowledge. Looking at all the nzbdrone mentions in the logs and the parsing error leads me to believe it’s on the sonarr end, but I can’t really interpret it past that. Any ideas? Really want to get this running again asap.

Edit Here’s the debug log, sorry about that: http://pastebin.com/raw/aMMdDZEv

I just saw in the BTN forums that this is an API issue and it’s being handled by the devs.

Yeah, we posted about it on reddit earlier https://www.reddit.com/r/sonarr/comments/5u2hdf/warning_any_user_using_sonarr_with_btn_should/

Thanks for the heads up. I jumped into the reddit topic just so I can stay informed. Was looking on the btn forum and disnt see anything. Must not have looked hard enough. Thanks y’all!


Found this in the latest BTN announcement:

As many of you have noticed, the BTN API domain expired several days ago. Anyone visiting btnapps.net will be greeted by a “Renew Now” page - we’re aware of this, but we’re taking advantage of the situation to move the API over to our main domain.

As of now, the API is up and fully functional at https://api.broadcasthe.net, with the docs available https://apidocs.broadcasthe.net/.

This change has been in the works for some time now, but the domain expiry took us by surprise (the staff member that handles domains is currently away); we would have preferred to communicate this change to you all ahead of time and we need to apologize for the abrupt change. We should also point out that there’s no need to reset your API keys, passwords, etc. While btnapps.net may currently show you a strange site, it’s simply a placeholder page; there’s no reason to believe that your API keys have been compromised.

We’re sure that the various tools which use the API (Sonarr, Sickbeard, etc) will update shortly to account for this change, so be on the lookout for new versions.

So, I changed the API URL in Sonarr to https://api.broadcasthe.net and solved the problem. Hope this helps.

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