Unable to connect to indexer - TrustFailure

Sonarr version (exact version): 20210717-19
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Unable to connect to indexer due a Trustfailure. Strange, because in Radarr the same settings works fine. What is going wrong?


That is not a Sonarr version. That is the version of your third party created, maintained, and supported SynoCommunity NAS packages.

The default installation is also nearly a year out of date as SynoCommunity cannot upgrade their packages in a timely manner.

Your issue is due to a Mono Bug introduced by the SynoCommunity and has nothing to do with Sonarr itself.

Radarr does not use Mono. However, due to their poor support and failure to maintain their packages - the radarr version they provided is also out of date and unsupported and will be problematic for users when they reinstall without manually removing their existing database like Sonarr has been for the last several months

If your NAS supports docker; you should switch.

Anyway for that bug you have

Wauw, thanks for your realy fast reply. Docker is not supported.
I understand i have to update de certificate, but i dont understand it actualy how to do it. The part ‘log on to your terminal and run’? I have to enter that line of text somewhere?

Hey Bakerboy448!
You made my freaking day! Thank you so much!
It works like a charm!

Will it be wise to update to a new synology server because of docker?

Thank you from me too.


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