Unable to connect to files on NAS

I have the same problem
I cant connect to directorys on my NAS where i want to keep the downloaded shows
please help , i can do it with sickbeard ok

Please don’t respond to old threads, that was hadn’t had a response in 2 months.

I’m assuming you’re on Windows, if not please advise.

This issue is in our FAQ: https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/FAQ#why-cant-sonarr-see-my-files-on-a-remote-server

i have done as directed, “change the services and start from start-up directory” in the link provided, but still no access to NAS restarted several times
I am on windows 8.1 and the NAS directory is "\NAS\Recordings\TV Shows"
the only directories I can access are the local hard drives on my PC

It seems to be working now, not sure what changed
thanks for your help