Unable to communicate with Seedbox. Download paths must be absolute. Please specify variable "directory" in rTorrent

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Linux/docker
Debug logs: https://pastebin.com/6ZEaWaSN
Description of issue: Shows unable to connect to seedbox. I can test and it is successful. It pull is able to pull torrents just fine to the client as well. Though does appear to be having issues processing the downloads or is unable to view the downloads folder if I go to manually import files when this issue is occurring. I have a second Sonarr instance with same exact client settings on the same docker host and it is not having this issue.


Actually followed those instructions. The second one is specific to anime and is thusly named anime-sonarr. And it is not having the issue that the main shows one is. Config is exactly the same other than filters for certain groups.

I only mentioned it because I noticed in your logs

2022-10-12 18:20:57.1|Fatal|ConsoleApp|Address already in use. This can happen if another instance of Sonarr is already running another application is using the same port (default: 8989) or the user has insufficient permissions

And at the linked instructions there are a few things that seem to indicate that the config cannot be exactly the same

If docker, different external ports must be used
Different download client categories must be used
Different root folders must be used.

Thank you for your help so far! And saw that too, made me double check the ports. Other instance is using 8888. Radar 7878. Lidar 8686.

Worst case I can blow the container away and just build a new one using the same persistent configuration so no restore needed. Just find it odd that it just recently started doing this.

Only network change recently is dhcp server migration.

Ah ok. If it had been working previously but has now stopped, then yeah maybe just needs a round of turn it all off and back on again, or something.

On a side note: what’s your reasoning for running a separate instance just for anime? Most people run separate because they want multiple resolutions of the same shows, which necessitates multiple instances. Anime can coexist in a single instance.

Not a problem. I’ll do a rebuild and see if that helps. As for the separation I did have custom anime profiles but the results were iffy. After reading up on it, it was suggested I separate the instances.

OK, fair enough. I still can’t think of what can’t be accomplished with the right use and application of custom anime settings in a single instance, but if you had it working for you as separate instances then that is reason enough.

Blew away the instance (not the persistent data though) and the issue persisted so I assume its an issue with the config. So before a full clear I opted to recreate the download client and disable the old one. Used the same configuration on the new one and its working fine now. Maybe there was an issue that wasnt being shown on the old config?

Ive still got debugging on and it is no longer complaining about a secondary instance either. Strange all around.

Solution: Create a new download client config and disable the old one.

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