Unable to Add Series - Invalid response received from SkyHook

This isn’t just a Windows 10 issue. I just booted into Arch, went to remove Criminal Minds: Evolution and add Criminal Minds and got the Skyhook error.

Failed to load search results, please try again.
Search for 'criminal minds' failed. Invalid response received from SkyHook.

Running the latest 4.0 development version.


found I could cheat if I only type part of the name “crimi”. Others seem to get found without issue 9-1-1 fbi.

It doesn’t look like your issue is the same as the issue with TLS 1.3, if it was you would be getting a different error and changing the search term would not yield a different result.

I’m not having issues with that search term so it might be regional and a temporary issue with CloudFlare.

What does CloudFlare have to do with SkyHook, and what is SkyHook? Thanks


I’m going into Manjaro and Garuda. I’ll post if I get or Don’t get the issue in them.

Skyhook is our caching proxy for TheTVDB, it enhanches/fixes some of the day we get from TheTVDB and cuts down on the number of API calls. CloudFlare sits in front of skyhook and adds caching/DDOS protection.

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OK looks like it selfcorrected. In both Manjaro and Garuda I got the message for a quick second, but then it populated my full search term. Thanks for the quick replies.

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