Ugraded to V4 Remote Folder Mapping Not Working

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Synology DSM
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Sonarr is unable to access (or even see when browsing) sub folders of my media library root folder as referenced in my 'Remote Folder Mapping Settings.
I tried deleting and re-adding but that does not work either. Error says ‘Folder does not exist’

Structure :

… TV Shows
… Movies
…Capture (where i capture my media files from DVD etc

On the remote Mapping Window:
Host : IP address of my Capture PC
Remote Path : \Diskstation\Media\Capture (On Synology NAS)
Local Path: Can browse to ‘/volume1/Media/’ folder in remote mapping config window but does not see any sub folders

Also the Health Screen says “Missing root folder: /volume1/Media/TV Shows/”

Seems like v4 needs some other config/access but I do not know where to look.


RESOLVED : I found the answer here…

You should not use Remote path mapping if this is all on your Synology.

I am aware of that and they are separate which is why I asked the question.

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