TvdbId: 'Tvdb Id' must be greater than '0'

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 6.0.13
Debug logs: A part of logs:
2023-12-27 09:58:06.9|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– TvdbId: ‘Tvdb Id’ must be greater than ‘0’.
2023-12-27 09:58:06.9|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– TvdbId: ‘Tvdb Id’ must be greater than ‘0’.
2023-12-27 09:58:59.9|Info|RssSyncService|Starting RSS Sync
2023-12-27 09:59:10.0|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– TvdbId: ‘Tvdb Id’ must be greater than ‘0’.
2023-12-27 09:59:10.0|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– TvdbId: ‘Tvdb Id’ must be greater than ‘0’.
2023-12-27 09:59:10.0|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– TvdbId: ‘Tvdb Id’ must be greater than ‘0’.
2023-12-27 09:59:58.4|Warn|Newznab|Indexer NzbIndex (Prowlarr) rss sync didn’t cover the period between 12/26/2023 22:00:28 and 12/27/2023 08:39:00 UTC. Search may be required.
2023-12-27 09:59:58.4|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 2926 releases
2023-12-27 09:59:59.5|Info|RssSyncService|RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 2926, Reports grabbed: 0
2023-12-27 10:00:04.8|Info|Sonarr.Http.Authentication.ApiKeyAuthenticationHandler|AuthenticationScheme: API was challenged.
2023-12-27 10:00:12.9|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– TvdbId: ‘Tvdb Id’ must be greater than ‘0’.
2023-12-27 10:00:12.9|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– TvdbId: ‘Tvdb Id’ must be greater than ‘0’.
2023-12-27 10:00:12.9|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– TvdbId: ‘Tvdb Id’ must be greater than ‘0’.

Description of issue:

On the logs, I’ve this error:

Invalid request Validation failed:
– TvdbId: ‘Tvdb Id’ must be greater than ‘0’.

I don’t find what is the problem ?

Looks like a bad request to the API, but if you look at the actual debug logs or trace you’ll get more information.

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