Trying to install shows

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
Debug logs:
Description of issue:
Mono Version
AppData directory /var/snap/sonarr/common
Startup directory /snap/sonarr/324/Sonarr
Mode Console

Running with ubuntu 22.04

Trying to install existing shows. They are all in a file at /mnt/3tb/TV mnt is in the root of the drive I own all the files and there shouldn’t be any problems but sonarr doesn’t like the address.


Mono Version
AppData directory /var/snap/sonarr/common
Startup directory /snap/sonarr/324/Sonarr
Mode Console

logfile: sonarr log - (I couldn’t find where I should paste so I used pastebin)

I am re-installing sonarr as I had system problems.

I need to know howto install my existing shows. They are in a single file at /mnt/3tb/TV (mnt is in the drive root but sonarr didn’t seem to like it).

its been a long time since I have done this stuff and am a bit confused. I also thought I had written this before but couldn’t find it (hope I have not duplicated)

I am also going to have to create stuff to get terrents but I am no hurry as I don’t get many.


Why are you posting different threads on the exact same subject?

2023-07-19 11:37:59.3|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– Path: Path does not exist

This looks like the only relevant error, in your info (not debug as requested) logs. If the path actually exists, then it’s likely permissions.

That is what it seems. Strange - I am owner and group and can create and delete. That being the case…

I should also tell you that all the shows had no problem with the sonarr that I am replacing. Again, I own and am group for /mnt/3tb/TV and all show contents.

Perhaps the problem is that sonarr is accessing everything as sonarr rather than me?

I got confused dealing with two of the same thing. My mistake! Knew I screwed up but I was stuck.


I am wondering. Are you now punishing me and refusing to answer my question?
Just wondering, given your silence.

I should also tell you that I have backup (zip file) from about a week ago that might be of interest (just found all the old sonarr stuff still on the drive I replaced). The problem is, I suspect, that adresses are likely to be different because I installed sonarr with snap, although the addresses of the shows is the same.

I should also offer: stat -c “%a %n” /mnt/3tb/TV which gives me 775 /mnt/3tb/TV. This is also true of every show. /mnt however is 755 and owner and group are both 755. So, should I change this and give me group and leave the owner alone?

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