Torrent Snatching Old Episodes

Hello Everyone… I have Sonarr set-up to donload with transmission and nzbget, I have the setting for transmission set to download new episodes second to nzbget but older downloads first. The problem I am having is when I auto search an old episode it grabs a nzb and not a torrent.

Did you set the priority to Torrents in a global delay profile? By default Usenet is preferred.

No series has any tags to it and indexes are RSS Enabled

What do the results in Manual search look like? If the usenet release is of higher quality it would get grabbed, debug logs may be helpful as well, logs are really the only definitive answer for why something was chosen over another.

I couldnt find the debug file on synology. I am actually running XPEnology. but nzb is reading at a better quality. If a add a tag for the most common torrent such as 720p or kickass if that will even work as a tag would hat help?

Log files are available in the UI. System -> Logs -> Files.

A tag won’t help you here, the usenet quality is better, the only thing that would help is changing the quality profile to max at HDTV-720p, but then you miss out on the better releases.

this is the link for log file labeled for today.

Logs are irrelevant here, we know the issue, its quality (plus they won’t have the information we need if they weren’t debug logs).

it just loaded one that looks like

15-9-24 11:29:59.8|Debug|ParsingService|No matching series The Middle
15-9-24 11:29:59.9|Debug|DownloadDecisionMaker|Release rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] Unknown Series
15-9-24 11:29:59.9|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'Sports.On.Fire.S01E03.720p.HDTV.x264-CROOKS’
15-9-24 11:29:59.9|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. Sports On Fire - S01E03
15-9-24 11:29:59.9|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
15-9-24 11:29:59.9|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for Sports.On.Fire.S01E03.720p.HDTV.x264-CROOKS
15-9-24 11:29:59.9|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: HDTV-720p v1
15-9-24 11:29:59.9|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: CROOKS
15-9-24 11:29:59.9|Debug|ParsingService|No matching series Sports On Fire
15-9-24 11:29:59.9|Debug|DownloadDecisionMaker|Release rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] Unknown Series

is that what you need? If so I can upload the whole file.

That depends, what does manual search show? Whats the actual issue?

If there is a higher quality release that is wanted only available via usenet it will be grabbed.

This is what manual search brings up. on all series nzb is at the top of the search but my usenet wont download them since they are older so for older episodes I want transmission to handle those downloads. I dont want to have to (but will if its the only way) do manual search for each episode. I would like for the older episodes to do an auto search and grab the torrent and not the nzb regardless of quality.

Quality is king, you can’t tell Sonarr to use a specific protocol over another if the the quality isn’t the same, you can set the retention in Sonarr’s settings to skip anything on usenet older than a certain age though, its on the Indexer settings page.

I overlooked that setting… Thanks a lot for your help and to bother over something that simple my bad… That did the trick thanks again.

You’re welcome, it was a bit more back and forth than I expected (since we figured out the issue before), I guess I could have asked why it matters, but thanks for letting me know why.

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