Torrent Search too specific on date

Hello All,

I found a bug in the torrent search for KickassTorrents where when its doing a rss search, its to specific on the air by date.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add show “Days of our Lives”
  2. Set the show to Daily
  3. Add Torrent rss feed for KickassTorrents
  4. Open the Show and try to do a manual search
  5. Review the logs and grab the search term “Days of our Lives 2015-03-06 category:tv”
  6. Search manually in KickassTorrents -> no results
  7. Remove the date, and it finds all the shows “Days of our Lives category:tv”

Expected Results:
RSS Search finds the shows available

Actual Results:
no shows are found in the results as sonarr search date 2015-03-06 does not match the show name date in torrents.

15-3-9 20:06:34.6|Debug|KickassTorrents|Downloading Feed of our Lives 2015-03-06 category:tv verified:1/1/?rss=1&field=time_add&sorder=desc
15-3-9 20:07:35.8|Debug|NzbSearchService|Total of 0 reports were found for [Days of our Lives : 2015-03-06 from 9 indexers

Version Info:

The issue isn’t how Sonarr is searching its how the releases are uploaded, Sonarr searches for the standard year-month-day pattern, this show uses a non-standard “Day of Week, Month Day, Year”, given that its not something Sonarr would even process if the results were returned.

Even if Sonarr supported parsing these poorly named releases it wouldn’t be able to search for them due to the style. At this time we won’t be supporting this date style.

Understood, thanks