I have a couple series that I’ve toggled the series monitoring on (i.e. “paused”) and they show up as missing in my series list (as though I had a failed download):
If I toggle the series monitoring back on and manually unmonitor the season then it doesn’t show up as missing:
Is it possible to have series that aren’t monitored not show up as missing? Or when I unmonitor a series, have it unmonitor the seasons/episodes also? I only ask because at a glance the red makes me think I’m missing an episode from a series I’m actually watching as opposed to a series’ I’ve paused.
Not showing them as missing seems awkward, though showing it as missing w/o any difference does as well.
This would lead to a lot of confusion, especially if you had toggled some seasons/episodes because drone would reset them when you toggle to paused and back.
I have a couple ideas I’ll play with to make this a better experience, for now you could show only monitored series (filter at the top).