Title slug in use by other series

Sonarr version (exact version):
.net Version
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Title slug ‘rockman-exe-beast’ is in use by series ‘Rockman EXE Beast’

There are 2 very similarly named shows, but one is a sequel of the other. These are:

Rockman.EXE Beast (2005)
Rockman.EXE Beast+ (2006)

Both use the same title slug, anyway we can get the second series updated to something like ‘rockman-exe-beast-plus’ ?

Logs look pretty straightforward in this case, but let me know if more info is needed:

2022-04-24 14:25:13.5|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– TitleSlug: Title slug ‘rockman-exe-beast’ is in use by series ‘Rockman EXE Beast’
2022-04-24 14:25:31.4|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
– TitleSlug: Title slug ‘rockman-exe-beast’ is in use by series ‘Rockman EXE Beast’

This should be fixed as soon as the various caches expire.

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