There needs to be another category for "Downloaded and deleted"

I’m someone who doesn’t store media after I’ve watched it. I download, watch, and delete. Unfortunately, this is a problem when looking at the calendar view, because things that were missed or couldn’t be found at the time can’t be separated from things that I have already downloaded, watched, and deleted. I’m much happier with NZBDrone over sickbeard in almost every other way, but at least sickbeard could handle this pretty simple thing.

EDIT: Okay, apparently this is a bigger problem than I realized. I had read that if I let NZBDrone download and rename the file, it would remember that it had done that, and it would not try to download it again in the future when it was missing from being deleted. Well, I even used NZBDrone’s interface for deleting two shows that I downloaded and watched tonight. Imagine my surprised when 5 minutes later it’s wasting my bandwidth re-downloading them.

there is an option in the settings that will ignore files that have been deleted from nzbdrone have you got this enabled

it is in the media management section (make sure to turn on advanced settings to see it

That certainly helps with the re-downloading, and the cluttered calendar, but I still wish they would show up in the calendar instead of being removed from it. It would be nice to see the show still listed, but as “Deleted”. But thanks for solving the two biggest issues I was having with something as simple as pointing out an advanced setting.

@Woogity what would the advantage be for leaving them on the calendar once they’ve been deleted?

It’s nice to have an easy view of when everything you watched aired. The calendar in NZB drone basically doubles as a TV guide.