Sonarr version Mono version 6.12.0: Arch:
The second of The Cleaning Lady has started but Sonarr isn’t grabbing it. I’m assuming it’s because the scene is labeling it The Cleaning Lady instead of The Cleaning Lady (US). I believe the issue is that there is The Cleaning Lady (2017), The Cleaning Lady (MX) (2021), and The Cleaning Lady (US) (2021). Is there a way per show I can create an exception to force Sonarr to grab the episodes? Thanks
Huh? What I linked was how to check/fix what you are reporting / asking about. And it’s a spreadsheet. You can use “Find”
For the show you are asking about, it has already been requested previously so in theory should be working. But that was for Season 1. I don’t know if it needs remapping for Season 2. If it is not working, you can request again since the most recent request were rejected because the form was not filled in properly.
If it is already supposed to be mapped but is not working then you can report that back here so one of the admins can investigate.