Tasks keep getting stuck

Running the latest dev on the R-Pi Model B and am having endless problems with series not being downloaded.

Looking at the tasks they seem to get getting stuck - any ideas?

Rebooting clears the stuck tasks but when I check a few days later they all seem to be stuck again.

Mono Version 3.10.0 (mono-3.10.0-branch/ce003f4 Tue Nov 25 20:18:29 UTC 2014)

Not sure if this error is the cause:


System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element

Is mono running with the --debug switch? If not, could you get the same logs with it running with that switch?

If you run the Housekeeping task manually does it run successfully?
Are you able to run tasks manually when the stop running automatically?

The issue looks like this one: Scheduled Tasks not running

A copy of your DB would also be helpful (PM me a link to download it please).

If I tried to run any tasks it would just go into a endless spinning icon.

I have now got another spare Pi to run some tests on. Rebuild fresh with Sonarr/nzbget and now it seems to be behaving itself! Will monitor over the next few days and if it starts with the issues again will post the info.

Looks like I’m having the same issue on another Pi - did a complete rebuild and reinstall.

A few things I have noticed when tasks get stuck.

Clicking on housekeeping (or any other task) just puts it into a spinning loop.

@Markus - I’ll PM you the DB and logs.

Also seeing mono take up almost 100% CPU on the Pi.

5315 pi 20 0 174m 137m 25m S 98.3 31.6 16:17.82 mono

Hey, I took a look and there is definitely something weird in the DB, but that should be a quick fix to resolve. The easiest way to fix it is to stop Sonarr and then open up the DB in a sqlite editor and run UPDATE Commands SET Status = 1 WHERE Status = 0 (This will terminate the pending tasks), then start up Sonarr.

Which rPi are you running Sonarr on? It should run on them all, but performance would certainly vary.

Thanks - I’ll try that and see how it goes after that.

I’m running the R-Pi 1 Model B. (Overclock Medium)

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