Tag usage with series / indexer

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: windows server 2022

i have a serie and an indexer with the same tag.
i also have 4 indexer without tag.
When sonarr search a file for this serie, it uses all five indexers.
I can see this in the logs for example:

2024-12-28 20:23:59.0|Info|ReleaseSearchService|Searching indexers for [XXXXX: S17E39 (39)]. 5 active indexers

Problem is currenlty files are never grabbed from indexer with the tag if it find it on the more ‘generic’ indexers…
I would have expected something else…only using the the indexer with the tag
ALso it seems to be what is expected from the documentation :

I guess It’s probably more complex to set up than i think. I only use a tag with the same name on the serie and the indexer. What i am doing wrong ?

Thank you for your help.

You also need to assign a different tag to every other series and indexer.

The indexers used for searching in your example are:

  1. Indexers with any matching tag
  2. Indexers without any tags

Ok, so if i want to be able to use only indexer with tag on a serie i cannot have indexer without tag.
It seems clear to me.

Thank you

Ok i missed a change in v4.0 (i think) : Auto tagging.
Everything is more clear on how to use tags to achieve what i want with this.