Systeem Conversion Windows 10/Windows 11

Sonarr version (2…0.0.5344):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10/11
Good day ladies/men,

Hereby I would like to ask your help with the following problem, who can provide me with advice, on how and what to do.

When converting my system files to bring in movies/series.

Configuration Windows 10 DELL system

with the following programs

NZBget - Sonar - Radar - NZBHydra these I have on my system/working. (Set up by a techie)

Due to Corona circumstances, I can no longer get in touch with the person, who maintained my system.

Now my question is:

Is there anyone who has experience to transfer the above configuration Windows 10 (Dell) to Windows 11 (HP).

All this because the Dell computer due to lack of space, I need to transfer to Windows 11 HP computer.

Should I/can I transfer pieces of files/pieces of files from Windows 10 to Windows 11 so that the programs are fully populated again.

If so, could you please name the files that I can take over so that I do not have to fill the folders of the film/series myself and that all the settings are right.

Thank you in advance.

ps: translated by Google translate

Sonarr v2 is no longer supported upgrade to v3

You’ll just want to reinstall all the apps on your new system for the *Arrs and then restore your backups.

the FAQs for each have instructions on how to migrate the data to backup (old system) and restore (new system)

NZBhydra - see to their docs - I assume similar process [or check out Prowlarr]

Good afternoon, Thank you very much for your answer, it is not the answer I was hoping for.
If I have any questions in the future, may I send you a message.
Is it possible to upgrade from Sonar 2 to Sonar 3, can I take files with me, so that it is filled correctly again. I have about 50 series consisting of series/season/episodes
Greetings Abayomie

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