I installed SabNZBd,SickBeard, SickRage, Headphones, CouchPotato at first none of those apps could do any post processing changes, but following the below guides i was able to change all of those apps to runas user ‘apps’ and then post processing worked.
I went from SickBeard > SickRage with same methodology, worked well. Now i decided to switch to Sonarr but the same isn’t working. Here is a brief list of what i did:
Added apps to vi /etc/group
Gave “/bin/sh” user to “apps” by editing “/etc/passwd”
Change ownership of installed packages by 'chown -R apps:users nzbdrone’
Changed ownership of the folder i download to by 'chown -R apps:users /volume1/Storage/!Downloads’
Changed start-stop-status to ‘USER=“apps”’ for each app separately
- this step worked for all the other apps, but it is where it fails for sonarr. Once user is changed from ‘USER="${PACKAGE}"’ to ‘USER=“apps”’ the package doesn’t run.
Sonarr does run without changing the user/permissions but then none of the post processing works and unless i can somehow fix the permissions for post processing to work I can’t switch
Any ideas? Thanks!