Synology Sonarr permission issue

I installed SabNZBd,SickBeard, SickRage, Headphones, CouchPotato at first none of those apps could do any post processing changes, but following the below guides i was able to change all of those apps to runas user ‘apps’ and then post processing worked.

I went from SickBeard > SickRage with same methodology, worked well. Now i decided to switch to Sonarr but the same isn’t working. Here is a brief list of what i did:

Added apps to vi /etc/group
Gave “/bin/sh” user to “apps” by editing “/etc/passwd”
Change ownership of installed packages by 'chown -R apps:users nzbdrone’
Changed ownership of the folder i download to by 'chown -R apps:users /volume1/Storage/!Downloads’
Changed start-stop-status to ‘USER=“apps”’ for each app separately

  • this step worked for all the other apps, but it is where it fails for sonarr. Once user is changed from ‘USER="${PACKAGE}"’ to ‘USER=“apps”’ the package doesn’t run.

Sonarr does run without changing the user/permissions but then none of the post processing works and unless i can somehow fix the permissions for post processing to work I can’t switch :frowning:

Any ideas? Thanks!

I got the same exact issue. I’ve had Sonarr for a while on my synology and it worked fine. This just started today. I’m not sure if there was an update that caused it or not.

I went as far as uninstalling Sonarr and reinstalling then reapplying the permissions,still same issue. Sonarr won’t start if you change the user. Keep the user and Sonarr can’t do the post processing or anything else

Were you able to to figure out it out?

Anyone else have any other ideas or another way of assigning permissions? Thanks!