I have got an Synology DS214+ with nzbdrone and nzbget. In nzbget i created a categorie called Series. In nzbdrone i added nzbget as a download client with the categorie Series.
In nzbdrone i configured the indexers and added my Series from /volume1/video/TV
When nzbdrone searches for a new episode nzbget starts downloading with no problems at all and places the downloaded new episode in /volume1/NZBGet/dst/Series
In nzbdrone Complete Download Handling is enabled. After the download is complete nzbdrone gives the error:
Couldn’t import episode /volume1/NZBGet/dst/Series/Seriesname.mkv: Access to the path is denied.
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path is denied.
at System.IO.File.Move (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName) [0x00000] in :0
at NzbDrone.Common.Disk.DiskProviderBase.MoveFile (System.String source, System.String destination, Boolean overwrite) [0x00000] in :0
at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFileMovingService.TransferFile (NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFile episodeFile, NzbDrone.Core.Tv.Series series, System.Collections.Generic.List1 episodes, System.String destinationFilename, Boolean copyOnly) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFileMovingService.MoveEpisodeFile (NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFile episodeFile, NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.LocalEpisode localEpisode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.UpgradeMediaFileService.UpgradeEpisodeFile (NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFile episodeFile, NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.LocalEpisode localEpisode, Boolean copyOnly) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeImport.ImportApprovedEpisodes.Import (System.Collections.Generic.List1 decisions, Boolean newDownload, NzbDrone.Core.Download.DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem) [0x00000] in :0
I guess this is an rights issue but i dont have a clue to fix this?!
It’s permissions issue on either the source (the path listed here) or the destination (with in the series’ folder). You’ll have to wait on someone else more familiar with how to fix it to offer some assistance, but first thing would be to make sure the user running drone has read and write permissions to the source and destination.
You’ll have to grant the “users” group access to read/write files in that directory. Or the “nzbdrone” user itself.
When you install drone, a user called nzbdrone is created to run it. This user is automatically made a member of the users group by syno, if I recall correctly.
I think I just changed ownership of both my download and destination directories to the users group, and gave read/write. This may not be what you want, as all other users (including real people you may have given access to only particular folders) are also members of that group, and as such will be able to read/write.
I have personally given up to fight with my syno about permissions since the rest of the family doesn’t access anything on the NAS by browsing via their file manager anyway. As long as they can watch movies etc in XBMC it’s all good
Thanks markus101 and Thirrian for quick and helpfull response!
I already had the following configured:
In DSM --> Configuration --> Groups --> Mark users(System default group) and click edit. The group has the permission read and write for the shared maps video and NZBget.
I guess the users that are created with nzbdrone are hidden and cannot be edited from the interface DSM and needs to edited with SSH.
None of the users created by the package manager are editable in DSM, or at least not to my knowledge.
I personally always made sure that the PVR (Sickbeard, Drone) user has rights to my downloads share and that it actually owns the series folder on my video share. Recursively hown/chgrp the thing to the users group and the nzbdrone user. Possibly also chmod it all to 644 or 664 depending on your needs.
I tried all the solutions written here all with no results. When i SSH my DS214+ the nzbdrone users is the user group and has all the needed rights.
When al this solutions didnt worked i chmod 777 the /volume1/video/TV and volume1/NZBGet/dst/Series all with no resultst and stil the access denied error.
Or all the settings in my NAS are messed up or this is an NZBdrone issue.
I finally found the solution for the problem. The setting in my NAS wered messed up. I made a backup of my nas and did a complete reset of DSM 5.0 operating system.
Some long hours futher and a lot of configurering finally NZBdrone is working perfect!
Thanks for all the help en comments! This one can be closed!
I followed instructions on this thread in the sickbeard forum by GasMan320: http://sickbeard.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5003 .
He outlines steps to take to create a user to run all the services like couchpotato, headphones etc. I followed the instructions until #6 where he says:
“On the line that has your newly created user, replace /var/services/homes/auto:/sbin/nologin where auto is the name of your new user with: /usr/local/sickbeard/var:/bin/sh.”
Instead of doing that I replaced /var/services/homes/auto:/sbin/nologin with /usr/local/nzbdrone/var:/bin/sh. After following these instructions I haven’t had any issues with permissions.