[Synology DS220+] import failed path does not exist or is not accessible by sonarr

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: DSM 7.0.1-42218 Update 2
Debug logs: https://pastebin.com/izfikAtD
Description of issue: Sonar/Sabnzbd downloads, but does not rename, and then move the file to the correct folder.

Those are not debug logs

The errors are clear as day in the logs - did you even look at them?

Yes, I did. The path does exist.

Thats why I would post the question. If you are going to help, help. If you’re gonna be a dick, keep scrollin’.

There is really is no way you looked at your logs.

Access to the path '/volume1/THE VOID/Downloads/Usenet Downloads/complete/Resident.Alien.S02E02.720p.WEB.H264-CAKES' is denied.

This says nothing at all about the file not existing.

This says Sonarr does not have read/write permissions for the file

Incorrect. All users/groups have read/write access to avoid this kind of BS.

Check it out. https://imgur.com/a/j3eBUby

Since I was tired of dealing with something that broke - That I didn’t break, I decided to nuke Sonarr and reinstall it (even though I literally changed nothing when this started happening). To start from scratch, as it were. Even if I were to blame, a fresh install will help.

Now it won’t even start up after the installation. I get this: https://imgur.com/oPRc872

All I did was make sure everything was up to date using the package center in DSM. I think at this point it would just be easier to keep track of things using a pen and paper.

This is ridiculous.

Due to SynoCommunity’s failure to maintain their package. You cannot reinstall Sonarr in Synology without completely purging Sonarr including your database. You need to uninstall and purge Sonarr, reinstall Sonarr, update Sonarr, and then restore your backup.
The NAS packages are poorly maintained and always out of date.

That issue has nothing to do with Sonarr and is solely due to your package maintainer - who has nothing to do with the Sonarr Team - failing to provide you the current stable release which means reinstallations will never work. If your NAS supports docker, that is the way forward.

Logs don’t lie - Humans do.

Sonarr doesn’t have access to the file. So clearly you’re wrong.

Clearly you have your head up your ass, because the permissions are there “clear as day” as you mentioned.

Im getting rid of this shit software and going to just download the shows manually. It’ll be less of a headache.

Fuck you, Sonarr.

Your issue isn’t Sonarr.

None of the issues you experienced are Sonarr. 100% of them are the third party SynoCommunity’s poor maintenance (failure after reinstall) and the permissions fun that comes from Synology DSM7 breaking all permissions + failing to give the Sonarr package the correct permissions.

Switching to docker on your device will be much less painful.

All I know is what happened.

Everything was working 100%, until about 2 or 3 weeks ago, but I didn’t realize anything was wrong because I had been busy and hadn’t had much time to catch up on TV shows. When I realized I was missing several episodes of shows, I went to check Sonarr, and I saw errors that kept saying Sonarr was unable to download because something had to be updated. I installed whatever updated it wanted, and then it was able to actually download through Sabnzbd, but unable to rename stuff and move it to the correct folder. It kept leaving the files with long gibbeerish names like 21i30108210jajljaskjlsjd12830182038012983.mkv and so on.

So the fact that I updated basically makes your argument about not having updated software a moot issue. I updated *through Sonarr - and immediately started having issues.

The only change was the update. I didn’t change any permissions, or settings on either piece of software. After repeated tries to get it to work, I basically reset my NAS, JUST incase it was user error. (it wasnt, but whatever). After this, I kept getting errors even trying to install the software with “invalid file format, contact the developer” errors or something like that. Over and over and over. Then you said that Sonarr and Sabnzbd don’t delete everything when uninstalling them, which prevents reinstallations.

Ok, fine. I SSH’ed into the NAS, removed the nzbdrone and sabnzbd directories - and then finally was able to install them. But now Sonarr cant search for anything because of some app called mono that is updated and screwed something else up. So - problem identified - Sonarr/Mono.

Sabnzbd now claims it had permissions issues on my download folder, a folder that hadn’t changed in any way for over a year. I checked my permissions and they were all set to read/write for every user/group to avoid issues like this exact situation.

Nothing worked. I uninstalled Sabnzbd tried to reinstall yet again - and now It cant even install python.

Its literally a waste of time.

It just broke after updating something that required an update. So yes - the problem is Sonarr. Regardless of where it was installed from, it was updated to the most recent one like I listed above - and it broke.

Problem = Sonarr. I’m tapping out and just going back to manually searching for shows to download.

The Sonarr Team has nothing to do with SynoCommunity. You should be directing your anger at them.

Sonarr has not had a main release since Oct 2021 and Sonarr has not changed at all since then. If your setup recently stopped working (i.e. after Oct 2021) then you can only blame SynoCommunity as they are the only ones who have made any change - namely pushing a broken mono package.

Your mono issue was due to a bug from SynoCommunity and their poorly maintained mono package.

All of your issues have nothing to do with the Sonarr application it self and they are all due to SynoCommunity being total shit and pushing broken releases (mono) combined with not updating their packages timely, requiring you to wipe data if you reinstall. DSM7 which you presumably recently updated to also broke all permissions and required them to be corrected per SynoCommunity’s wiki article. That is also something that has nothing to do with Sonarr

Switching to docker as previously suggested avoids all these SynoCommunity inflicted issues.

By your logic with blaming Sonarr for SynoCommunity’s failures - it is Ford’s fault that your mechanic replaced your brakes with incompatible parts causing your brakes to fail? Why would you blame a completely unrelated party?

I would expect the mechanic and Ford to figure out how to make the brake pads fit, that way when I have the pads replaced, my car doesn’t explode.

Don’t care about docker. Thanks for suggesting it repeatedly to no avail. Rarbg and NZBGeek will serve me just fine with a pen and paper. And guess what - no two parties complaining about the other.

It just works.

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