Sync your MyAnimeList to Sonarr

I got so sick and tired of keeping the two in check that I made a MERN stack application that keeps the two in sync for you. Currently it is hardcoded to only work with my MAL but before I go refactoring I wanted to know if anyone here would use this?


  • OAUTH to MyAnimeList
  • Sync items from your list marked as “Watching”
  • Add said items to your Sonarr and begin searching for them immediately

I know this is extremely convenient for me and I plan to containerize it but before I invested more time I wanted to know if people would be interested. Please let me know :slight_smile:

You could ask on r/Piracy as well. Message the mods first to ask for permission, or else your post will be removed.

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I don’t use Reddit enough to post it on there. I’ve asked some of my weeb Discord friends and they said they’d be down once its containerized. Not a bad idea though!

I would definitely use this…and if there’s not enough interest, I’d probably just try modifying what you’ve shared.

Then I’ll keep deving :slight_smile: as long as there’s one other person

Is there any reason this could not be done, for example, for other lists such as that from Trakt, etc.?

As long as it has an API and I can get the info I need to search TVDB for shows, it can be done with anything.