Sonarr version (exact version): 20160105-8 Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):beta and synology version 4.2.1-0088 OS: DSM 6.0.2-8451 Update 1 ((Debug logs)): (Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here) Description of issue: Setting up a brand new synology ds416play, SAB installed and works correctly, installed both Mono packages, installed sonarr. Trying to finish setting it up the morning, and went to import tv show folder from an external usb drive attached to the DS, and i got the “folder not writeable error” so i made a couple of changes to what i thought were maybe the correct permissions, that didnt work, so i thought maybe it was just a glitch. So i restarted the DS and now Sonarr will not start AT ALL. Both Mono packages appear to be up and running according to the DS. Not sure how to restart it and get it running again so I can go back to my other issue of importing my tv shows folder.
well, just for the hell of it, I uninstalled/reinstalled it, and I’m back to a blank slate now and its up and running, so Ill just have to set it up all over again…is this a common occurrence? is there any way to prevent this?
does Sonarr always start after a reboot of the Synology? If not, is there a setting to have it do so?