Start Sonarr and Autostart

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Rasbian
Description of issue: Sonarr already installed but isn’t started


I installed Sonarr using this guide:
No problems there. But my Raspberry Pi 3+ crashed. So I unplugged the power and restarted it.
But now Sonarr is not started automatically.

Basic question: What is the command to start Sonarr? (the installation was succesfull btw)
I found the .exe file in “/usr/lib/sonarr/bin” but when I start that .exe. All my settings are gone.
I have a back-up but I don’t think I should have to use this every time my Pi crashes.

Another question I have, can someone link me to a guide for an autostart of Sonarr on Raspbian?
So I don’t need to execute any commands after my Pi crashed.

Thanks in advance.

sudo systemctl enable --now sonarr should do it

It doesn’t start.
I always see /opt/NZBDrone/NZBDrone.exe but that folder doesn’t exist on my system.
If I follow the installation it doesn’t say anything about the folder.

What am I doing wrong?

Sonarr v2 - which is nzbdrone - is not supported and has not been supported for over 18 months.

Nzbdrone should not exist anywhere on the system and has no relevance.

If the Sonarr doesn’t start then check the journal for the sonarr service and see why it refuses to start

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