Standalone Ubuntu server mapping to Synology NAS

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows) - Using Docker…:
OS -Ubuntu:

Slightly out of the bounds of Sonarr, but I’m getting no help on ‘askubuntu’. I’m migrating my setup from my NAS and trying to map the network drive from a standalone Ubuntu Desktop, running Sonarr in docker and all my files are stored on my Synology NAS.

Im following this guide ( using an old laptop as the docker server, in order to migrate the “load” from my synology NAS. This is my first go at using Ubuntu, so im getting my head around it, but I am stuck at how to load my databases into radarr/sonarr/lidarr from the synology NAS. The setup should work like this. Standalone server: NZBGet would download to the server and unpack into completed folder. Radarr/Sonarr/Lidarr would then scan completed downloads for files and then transfer to the NAS once complete. So all folders should be on the server except for the NAS completed database. In my “nano ~/docker/docker-compose.yml” I have

Radarr – Movie Download and Management radarr: image: “linuxserver/radarr” container_name: “radarr” volumes:

  • ${USERDIR}/docker/radarr:/config
  • ${USERDIR}/Downloads/completed:/downloads ***Is this the directory to look for when the downloads are completed?
  • ${USERDIR}/media/movies:/movies ***just hashed this out as it isnt needed
  • //< IP of nas >/volume1/movies ***Assuming this line will be the library but what else do I need to add to make it work?
  • “/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro”
  • ${USERDIR}/docker/shared:/shared ports:
  • “XXXX:XXXX” restart: always environment:
  • PUID=${PUID}
  • PGID=${PGID}
  • TZ=${TZ}

So I just need to figure out how to point these three programs to their respective databases on the NAS. I have been able to mount the drives and can access them on Ubuntu, but dont know the steps for the dockers. Once I have mapped the right directories, im hoping this will then be reflected in the settings folder of radarr for example, and will show the “drive size” available to be able to confirm this. Then importing should either show up in the list in Radarr- Import Folder or ill have to navigate to the drive via //ip address/ or //server-name/?

You cannot use your NAS to store the database - sqlite cannot be on network storage

Take your backups from the NAS and restore them on the server

Your paths are very poor and illogical as well -

Do docker right.

Beyond that you’re just needing to mount the NAS to ubuntu which google will have millions of results for

When I say database I mean just the movie library…

So if I mount the drive on Ubuntu, can I then point sonarr to the mounted folder to indicate where its library should be?

The key is the user and group you configure sonarr to run as needs RW access

Also if you torrent I’d set your completed folder on the NAS so you get hardlinks and no double space

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