Hey Everyone
Lately the last couple of weeks i have noticed an increase in spam posts by people joining for the sole purpose of posting random things.
I have already deleted and either suspended or banned about 4 users for this reason.
Let’s try to keep these forums as clean from spammers and spam posts as possible so all help and posts needed by members can be quickly and easily found.
Myself and the Other Moderators may not see all these posts as they like to hide them within existing threads as replies to unrelated topics.
If you come across any posts you suspect as spam or otherwise inappropriate please if you can flag them as such or let One of the Moderators know and we will try to remove them as soon as possible I do log in to these forums at least once a day so if i see any or hear of any i will promptly delete those posts and ban that user.
I think it would be great if all that was on here is what needs to be questions and answers from the NzbDrone community