Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: Windows 10 Debug logs: Description of issue: Is TheTVDb still used for episode titles?
All of The Crown season 3 titles are TBA for me, but I’ve confirmed that the episode titles do exist on TheTVDB:
I noticed an issue in Plex as well. On the Plex forums there was a statement that the new tvdb API required an update to Plex. I assume Sonarr will require the same updates to work with the new tvdb API. Hopefully someone from Sonarr can respond if this is the case. Regards
True it is “Better” that is was, but it is still far from being completed. THIS is why many of us for years have hoped for other options for a database - from the toxic as possible mods at TVDB to scene releases not matching and more. Then on the forum they blamed Sonarr, Couchpotato, and several other programs for the problem, then in a 2nd post they put blame elsewhere, then a 3rd blame went to another area - honestly it is if they didnt know what was the cause so they point fingers. Ever since v3 went live fully it has been so horribly bad and forum posts deleted. I logged in on Sunday and was then logged in as SOMEONE ELSE. I could see PM’s posts the account made and more. And I was using my email and password.
Kodi and Plex use others can we finally have an option to choose? From 100% lack of sports and constant changes to their “mapping” then all the mods deciding what to lock and when leaving unpopular shows locked for weeks with no one able to update them it all just adds up to a horrible situation.
Sonarr and Radarr are such wonderful programs already - adding at least a “backup” source for getting content could prevent a ton of issues - and maybe giving US the ability to add our own information when the “scene” fails to update it would also be a godsend.