Sonarr's Anime Search Terms

What is Sonarr using in its search terms for anime?

Here’s what I got from Sonarr.

Here’s what I get when searching the webpage of my indexer.

The show is set to the Anime category. Does it not look for seasons when listed as an anime? If not then it’s weird, though nice, that it still recognizes them in my downloader once I’ve manually added them.

You can see exactly what it searched for in debug logs for anime its the abolsute number, not the season + episode, though it will match them if the results or returned, in your download client (as you found out) or on disk.

Alright. It looks like the only solution, when someone puts anime listed by season into the anime category, is to have my regular tv category just set to 5000 and leave the anime as a regular series. If I want to have it automated.

Any chance on getting the anime type to search for both absolute episode number and those listed by series? I know anime support is relatively new and probably a major PITA compared to the rest of the program.

Thanks for your help markus!

Sonarr will handle it via RSS if its named with season and episode number, thats not a problem, only searching won’t work.

Anime support isn’t that new, well over a year now, no plans to support searching both though.

Well, that’ll do then! As always, Thank you!

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