Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.2.2 (Stable Mon Feb 15 17:57:50 UTC 2016) OS: Xubuntu 15.10 Debug logs (posted to hastebin or similar): Description of issue (if you think you’ve found a bug please include steps to reproduce):
As the title said, i installed sonarr dev branch and it worked for one full day before it gave out.
Now i can’t add any series or save any settings, tried from localhost or remote PC… i even tried different browser/without adblocker. I tried reinstalling and etc… im out of ideas.
Log doesnt say anything special, usuall stuff (no indexer is set)
Make sure the database is writable by the user running Sonarr, trace logs will definitely be required to investigate this, you can set that directly in the config file if the setting won’t save from the UI.
Is it enough if i start it with “sudo mono /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe” ?
Some more details:
I installed with the wiki guide and i also set it as a service and starts on boot.
Sonarr worked until the first PC reboot, if these informations helps.
That could very very be the issue, since it could cause the permissions to be set to the owner of root.
What output do you get for ls -l /home/falkaub/.config/NzbDrone/?
Which user did you setup the service to use?
Is that user the owner of nzbdrone.db and config.xml in /home/falkaub/.config/NzbDrone/?
This is the result for the first question. Click
I logged in with falkaub and i installed/runned the exe with sudo. I didn’t do anything else.
Third question: The owner is “root(root)” for both file.
You should chown the files so the falkaub user owns them, since they’re in that users home directory and thats likely breaking the saving to the database.
chown falkaub:falkaub -R /home/falkaub/.config/NzbDrone/ should do it I think.