Sonarr Windows Service

When I installed Sonarr I did not select to run it as a Windows Service. I would like to have it run when Windows starts. How do I do that?

Add it to your Startup folder?

The home page for Sonarr says:
Sonarr is supported natively on Windows. Sonarr can be installed on Windows as Windows Service or system tray application.

I wanted to run it as a service. But, I do understand your alternate solution.

OK, but you didn’t say that you wanted it to run as a service. You said you chose not to run it as a service, and want it to run when Windows starts…

If you want to run as a service, install it again and choose the option to install as a service. Just be aware of the caveats of doing so, as outlined on the homepage in the same section you referenced.

You are correct my verbiage in the original post wasn’t clear. My desire was to set Sonarr to a service after an install where I didn’t choose to run it as a service.
So the answer is, reinstall and make a different choice. Correct?

First check and see if there is a serviceinstall.exe in the Sonarr directory. If there is, then I think running that will install it as a service. (Similar to running serviceuninstall.exe will remove the service and revert it to a tray app. I am assume the inverse will also apply.)


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