Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: macOS 12.2.1
Debug logs:
Description of issue:
I have a brand-new Mac Mini M1. I had been running Sonarr on an old Hackintosh, I think Mojave. I have Sonarr connected to my usenet indexer, sending download commands to Sabnzb.
I migrated things over from the old computer to the new. The backups on the old one were stored in a directory named nzbdrone in .config. When I installed Sonarr fresh and ran it, the directory was called Sonarr. I did a backup of the old install and transferred that over to the new computer. I don’t remember or have the version information handy for that (computer is offline). I believe for installation and migration, I unzipped the folder and stuck in the files into the App directory in .config, and Sonarr started right up with all my settings seemingly intact.
The download path is the same as it was in the old setup, with some individual show exceptions, but I updated those where needed. I have my TV shows on an external drive.
So, the problem I’m experiencing is it seems like Sonarr stops working after about a day online. I followed most of the instructions on how to capture the appropriate logs (except I did not clear my logs as recommended, I apologize for that). I turned logging up to Trace. I did add the newest trace and debug files (as linked to above).
Any help would be much appreciated! Sonarr had been working flawlessly on my old setup. I’m worried that something about transferring the backup config to the new setup didn’t work right and as a result is causing app crashes.