Sonarr Stalled Downloads

Hi everyone,
I could use your help.

My setup

  • Sonarr (
  • Win11
  • qBittorent (4.4.1)
  • ExpressVPN

I recently setup Sonarr on a Win11 laptop that I use as a cheap Plex server. For the past 3-4 weeks, Sonarr and qBittornet have worked like a charm. I could find shows and they would automatically download without any difficulty.

That all changed the other day. Sonarr still finds shows, qTorrent starts the download, but then qTorrent reports that the download “stalled”. I see no peers

Here’s what I’ve tried so far…

  • changed my VPN to another location within the US
  • Removed all my indexers and added them back one at a time. The problem continues, regardless if there’s 1 indexer or many.
  • Downloaded files from torrent sites manually, removing Sonarr from the picture. When I do this, qBittorent works as expected, downloading at acceptable speeds.
  • Uninstalled qBittorent and tried uTorrent but get the same unacceptable results
  • Downgraded qBittorent to a previously known good version and still get the unacceptable results
  • Performed tests in both Radarr and Readarr to see if they have problems downloading. They are both work fine using qBittorent and with the same indexers.

All this leads me to believe Sonarr is the culprit but I don’t know where to go from here. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

I have a debug txt file but don’t see how to attach here. If you want I can post it in its entirety in a follow-up response or if you can advise me how to get it to you, I’ll follow your instruction.

Sonarr has nothing to do with your download client; this is not a Sonarr support issue. this is a basic torrenting suppot issue.

Radarr is not Sonarr
Readarr is not Sonarr
Movie and Book downloads have nothing to do with a tv download.
Downloading any random torrent does not mean much for any other random torrent other than you either can or cannot connect to 1 or more seeders (i.e. rules out total network failure and nothing else)

Presumably you are using shitty public that lie about their seeds and claim there are 10s/100s/1000s when there are ~zero and/or you are unable to connect to any peers on the torrent do to a non-functional working port-forward setup. There’s you problems: no seeds or no ability to connect to the seeders. Nothing to do with Sonarr at all.

What was unclear on the wiki how to get and share logs? What was unclear that text files absolutely should not be attached here? how can the wiki be improved and clarified since the 6 steps apparently are not clear? How can the forum post template be clarified since apparently the below is not clear?

  • Information on the log files is here:
  • Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings
  • Post the log file, not a line or two, or just the error from the Logs table
  • Post the full log to hone of the sites recommended in Logging and Log Files section of the wiki
  • Do not post them directly here. Post in .txt not .doc, .rtf or some other formatted document

Hi there bakerboy448,
Thank you for the fast reply. Much appreciated.

Sorry about the log file. I’m new to this and was thrown off by the instructions. I re-read them and was able attached my log file.

The only thing I wasn’t sure of is when the issue started and when it ended so I added the entire file. It’s not long, though, because I started the log file as soon as I started the download process and ended the log file as soon as qBittorrent reported the file “stalled”.

Here it is…

Also, I’m all for getting rid of my shitty public indexers. Do you have any suggestions for a good private one that doesn’t require invitations?

Thanks again!

Sonarr logs won’t show anything relevant since Qbit not downloading or not connecting to peers has nothing to do with Sonarr.

IPT you can pay to play and grow from there

RarBG isn’t super shitty but they have their own multitude of issues

KAT and 1337x are two of the worst for lying about their seeds, KAT frequency claimed seeds existed when there were none

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