Sonarr sending multiple releases of same episode to NZBGet

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): n/a
OS: Windows Server 2012
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): debug - / trace -
Description of issue (if you think you’ve found a bug please include steps to reproduce):

This issue started happening to me in the last week or so, not sure when exactly. I’ve noticed a lot of duplicate releases in my queue, multiple files of different qualities for the same episode. I’ve checked the Sonarr logs, and I see an Unable to connect to NZBGet error message whenever Sonarr sends a release over to it. The problem is that while Sonarr seems to think the release wasn’t added to the queue, it was in fact added. If it attempts to send the same exact release multiple times I will see it in the history under dupe/copy. If it tried sending multiple releases with different qualities, they will appear in my queue as multiple releases for the same episode.

I’ve been using Sonarr for a while and it’s been nothing but perfect for me. The only change I’ve made with my Sonarr setup recently is that I added a post process script to convert my media to MP4. Not sure if that would have an impact, but I thought it might be worth mentioning. Hopefully my description as well as the trace log will be of some use.

Please let me know if you have any ideas!

Multiple qualities could also be related to quality profiles, if the cutoff hasn’t been met Sonarr will grab another release when its available.

What do the NZBget logs show?
The logs you posted don’t show any errors adding to NZBget (the debug log ends right at it being added) and the trace logs only shows Sonarr fetching the queue or history from NZBget (successfully).

Did you recently upgrade NZBGet?

Shouldn’t be related to quality profiles. It added multiple 720p first which is at the top of my quality profile. Then it will continue on to add possibly 1080p rips and/or regular HDTV releases.

I’m running NZBGet 16.4, no recent upgrades that I know of. Here’s my NZBGet log… It’s been downloading all night, and not adding too many releases, but hopefully it will be of help. Also, I woke up to find Sonarr had again sent multiple releases of new episodes when I was asleep, so this doesn’t just occur when triggering a search.

edit: Figured I could also include updated Sonarr trace and debug logs since last night cause that might be useful. Here they are:

Trace -
Debug -

NZBGet didn’t respond to Sonarr’s request to add the item, so Sonarr treats it as a failed grab. When did the issue start, there were a few changes related to NZBget recently, 2-3 days now, if its been going longer than that something is happening on NZBget’s side.

Strange, because NZBGet does receive the item from Sonarr and adds it to the queue. If it treats it as a failed download, wouldn’t it show up in the history for that item in Sonarr?

2-3 days sounds about right for the time frame that this issue has been happening. I believe I only noticed it on Saturday. Any ideas on what action I can take to get this resolved?

edit: Just wanted to provide a bit more information about this issue after having attempted to add NZBs manually from Sonarr to NZBGet.

I just performed a manual search for an episode and clicked to send it over to NZBGet. The loading spinner animation began as Sonarr attempted to send the NZB. About 2-3 minutes after this request, the NZB appeared in the NZBGet queue. I went back to check Sonarr, and the spinner had stopped and was now a red icon indicating failed to send (as you explained). After closing the manual search window, I noticed that the episode in Sonarr was actually marked as being in the download queue. It also appears in the Activity section in the Queue tab. However, if I click on the episode from the series page and open the History tab, there is absolutely nothing listed there. No indication that an episode was ever attempted/succeeded/failed to be grabbed.

I’ve tried removing and re-adding the NZBGet download provider from Sonarr. Tried restarting Sonarr in hopes that it would communicate with NZBGet better. When I use the Test feature from Sonarr to test the download client connection, I get the normal “testing completed” message. I have noticed after attempting the Test feature multiple times, that Sonarr may report the “test completed” almost immediately after pressing the button, or potentially take over 60 seconds to get the “test completed” message. It seems like there is something blocking the communication between Sonarr and NZBGet intermittently and causing unusual delays for adding releases to the download queue.


I’m going to revert from develop to master branch in hopes that this will solve the problem. I will report back after I have tested.


Actually I just read the wiki and it recommends against reverting to master branch from develop. I will hold off on this unless you think it’s a good idea, markus.

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At this point it is safe. It depends on the DB, but for the moment they are both the same.

Its able to communicate and get the queue, thats good.

Yeah, thats based on getting a successful response from NZBGet.

Not sure why the add would timeout on some calls, but succeed on others (even if Sonarr was making a bad call I’d expect NZBGet to return an error, not meet it with silence).

If NZBGet doesn’t always fail to return a response I wouldn’t expect much to change with reverting to master.

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