Hi there ,
I have some anime series shows in my sonarr app , when sonarr finds the episodes in newznab it sends them to nzbget as “TV” category and not as “Anime” (although I set them as Anime) and also when post processed they don’t go into the series folder but to the root under the episode name folder , so for example the show Naruto … each episode goes to : “[Horrible Subs] Naurto Ep XXX” folder
sonarr doesnt support multiple download categories on nzbget. it only uses the category you configured in download client settings.
i am not sure what you are trying to do with possprocssing
Sonarr has 2 categories defined , “TV” and “Anime” .
My TV shows are in D:
My Anime shows are in E:
When sonarr fetch anime , it sends them to D: (as TV)… it works fine only if I manully change them to “Anime” category during the download process in nzbget.
Where you added shows is not the same as the category used when sending it to the download client.
Sonarr will use the one category and move the files after downloading to the correct location (from the single category)/
I see ,
So is there any work around in case I have shows in multiple drives ? My XBMC also have 1 folder for TV series and 1 for Anime ?
Should I replace NZBGet with SabNZBd ? Will it than work ?
If you’re using Sonarr to sort episodes then there is nothing you need to do. Just don’t rely on the categories in nzbget to control sorting.
Sorry , I don’t understand.
Do you mean I should delete the “Category” in sonarr where I defined the download client ? (Instead TV , keep it empty?!)
No, leave it as TV. Sonarr will handle any download in that category.
But the problem is that Anime shows won’t goes to the Anime folder.
I’ve tried work around having folder :
TV -> Series -> shows…
TV -> Anime -> shows…
but Sonarr don’t know to scan sub folders , so it looks only for tv shows named “Anime” and “Series”
Nzbget will report the extracted path to Sonarr and Sonarr with use that with CDH to import, unless there is a Post Processing script in nzbget that alters the path (if so, disable it).
NZBGet don’t have postprocessing , but I don’t get something.
I have 2 folders :
D:\TV contains all tv series
E:\Anime contains all anime
Sonarr scanned both folders , added all shows. (the anime in sonarr are categorized as “anime” ) but when sonarr sends the anime series to NZBGet , they are sent as “TV” category and because NZBGet have TV category folder defined as “D:\TV” then the anime shows don’t go to their series folder…
You should have nzbget pointing to another location, could be on either of those hard drives, just needs to be separate them Sonarr will move it with Completed Download Handling (assuming its enabled).