Sonarr version
Mono version
Rocky Linux 9.2:
Debug Log up to point where scanner stops:
2023-08-12 23:01:30.4|Debug|VideoFileInfoReader|Getting media info from /mnt/naslib/plex/library/Series/Ben 10 - Ultimate Alien/Season 02/Ben.10-.Ultimate.Alien.S02E09.It’s.Not.Easy.Being.Gwen.mp4
2023-08-12 23:01:30.4|Debug|EpisodeTitleSpecification|/mnt/naslib/plex/library/Series/Ben 10 - Ultimate Alien/Season 02/Ben.10-.Ultimate.Alien.S02E09.It’s.Not.Easy.Being.Gwen.mp4 is in series folder, skipping check
2023-08-12 23:01:30.4|Debug|NotUnpackingSpecification|/mnt/naslib/plex/library/Series/Ben 10 - Ultimate Alien/Season 02/Ben.10-.Ultimate.Alien.S02E09.It’s.Not.Easy.Being.Gwen.mp4 is in series folder, skipping unpacking check
2023-08-12 23:01:30.4|Debug|Parser|Parsing string ‘Ben.10-.Ultimate.Alien.S02E07.The.Creature.from.Beyond.mp4’
2023-08-12 23:01:30.4|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. Ben 10- Ultimate Alien - S02E07
2023-08-12 23:01:30.4|Debug|QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for Ben.10-.Ultimate.Alien.S02E07.The.Creature.from.Beyond.mp4
2023-08-12 23:01:30.4|Debug|VideoFileInfoReader|Getting media info from /mnt/naslib/plex/library/Series/Ben 10 - Ultimate Alien/Season 02/Ben.10-.Ultimate.Alien.S02E07.The.Creature.from.Beyond.mp4
Description of issue:
At this point the scan will hang. It will never progress, and will consume two of my cores (shows running at 199%) on the system it’s running on. I’ve let it run for a week, and it never comes back. All other features work, but even though both seasons of the shows exist with all files, Season 1 says nothing is there, season 2 is 7 of 32 files.
I have ffprobe the video file in question and it comes back successfully when I do ffprobe -print_format json -show_format -show_streams -print_format json “/mnt/naslib/plex/library/Series/Ben 10 - Ultimate Alien/Season 02/Ben.10-.Ultimate.Alien.S02E07.The.Creature.from.Beyond.mp4”
All other functions contiune, it still will udpate, pull the RSS, search for things if I ask it too. The debug log continues for all of those, but there isn’t another scanner output (waited 10 m in case) and the sonarr app shows the scanner as running (spinning arrows).
If i restart sonarr, until you hit that file, if I force a scan of any other folder it’ll scan and be fine, but once it hits that file, the scan stops/system hangs.
my video player plays that video fine, it appears to be fine, i let it play for half hte length of the video.
The files are attached via NFS to a NAS, no other issues or errors