Sonarr says season and episode missing when using spaces

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Linux Docker
Debug logs:
Description of issue: If I try to set standard or anime filename format to the string: {Series Title} - Season {season:00} Episode {episode:00} - {Episode Title} [{Quality Title} {MediaInfo VideoCodec} {MediaInfo AudioCodec}] it complains about:

– StandardEpisodeFormat: Must contain season and episode numbers OR Original Title
– AnimeEpisodeFormat: Must contain Absolute Episode number OR Season and Episode OR Original Title

However, I can clearly see the season and episode flags in the format string. Oddly enough this does work: {Series Title} - S{season:00}E{episode:00} - {Episode Title} [{Quality Title} {MediaInfo VideoCodec} {MediaInfo AudioCodec}]

Sonarr only cares what it can parse from the filename after renaming, in this case the resulting file name cannot be parsed properly and the format is rejected.

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