Sonarr + SabNZBD on my PC but my files are on my NAS

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10
((Debug logs)):
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue:
I am using Sonarr + SabNZBD on my PC. I just bought a Synology NAS (DSM 6).
I was willing to put all my tv shows on my NAS to make some space on my computer.
But I don’t know How I can specify the path to the folder on my NAS.
I tried to use \MYNAS\Videos\Series (where I put my series) but it doesn’t work. Any idea on how I could make that work ?

That should be it. It’d be worth looking at the ((FAQ)) entry regarding files on remote systems as well.

We’d need to see ((debug logs)) of it not working to troubleshoot further if required.

I cannot provide a debug log… since the system won’t accept the path I provide (it says “Path does not exist”)

Debug logs will also show that along with more information that may help, but given that the ((FAQ)) should help as Sonarr doesn’t have access.

ah ok…

Bu I guess the best way would be to run Sonarr directly on my Synology NAS… but it’s not working… and I cannot find Mono on the Synocommunity Repo (it’s not there)

Try a double backslash at the beginning, that’s how I have mine configured.

Did you read the ((FAQ)) entry about remote file systems?
Do you have Sonarr running as a Windows service?
Have you tried not running it as a Windows Service?

THe link for the FAQ is not working…
I don’t know how Sonarr is running…

And I cannot paste the debug log… it’s too long

Here is a direct link:

Check Task Manager, the Services tab will tell you if the service is installed and whether it is running (the service is name NzbDrone).

First thing to do would be determine if its running as a service, if so stop it and run either NzbDrone.Console.exe (visible console window) or NzbDrone.exe (icon by the clock). If that works you should remove the service (run ServiceUninstall.exe from C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone\bin) and use the startup folder to start Sonarr when you sign into Windows.

Wow ! Thanks
It seems to work just fine !

But what does it means ? From now on, I should always cut the Service an run the exe everytime ?


Yeah. Windows services interact differently with network drives and shares and don’t work well when authentication is required.

ok too bad… but is there a way too stop definitely the service ?

And one last question, what happens if my computer is off when my NAS finishes a download ? THe post-processing of SOnarr won’t happen ?

EDIT : well anyway, the post processing (renaming and sorting) doesn’t seems to happen…

Yes, I mentioned that in my previous reply.

If that works you should remove the service (run ServiceUninstall.exe from C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone\bin).

Yes it needs to be on (and it would need to be on to send anything to the download client).

ok… thanks for your help…
It’s a good alternative, but I hope I will succeed to make the NAS version of Sonarr work… Everything will be easier then :wink:

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You sometimes need to run sonarr in with admin right to set up remote shares. I had to.

I have sonarr,nzbget, couch potato, deluge, Plex and 16tb of media all on my 1815+ NAS.
It does work.

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